Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Lincoln PTA
Welcome to Lincoln Elementary School, White Bear Lake! The goal of the Lincoln PTA is to enhance the quality of education at Lincoln by sponsoring family events such as the Parents’ Night Out, Book Fair, Lincoln Musical, and the Lincoln Carnival. We accomplish this goal by providing both monetary and volunteer support to the school. Fundraising efforts support bus transportation for field trips, classroom supplemental supplies, school patrol supplies, staff appreciation, and much more. We encourage you to join the Lincoln PTA. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a national organization in which parents, teachers, and administrators work for quality education and a partnership between home and school.
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2024-2025 Meeting Dates:
PTA meetings are held at Lincoln Elementary from 6:30-8:00 PM.
2024 | 2025 |
August 8 | January 9 |
September 19 | February 6 |
October 10 | March 6 |
November 7 | April 10 |
December 5 | May 8 |
2024-2025 Lincoln PTA Officers:
- President - Kristina Erstad-Sankey
- Vice President - Sarah O'Gara
- Treasurer - Sarah Klaas
- Secretary - Jessy Kappelman
2024-2025 Event Calendar:
PTA Minutes
- Posted soon